Turn Leads into Video Leads

Groundwork streamlines your sales process and qualifies leads fast using video. It's built for everyone on your team and to grow with you.

Features Your Team Needs

Every feature in Groundwork is built to help your team save time and create strong customer relationships.

Lead Qualification

Stop Wasting Time on Bad Sales Calls

Really, stop. It’s bad for your business and your pocketbook. Make sure the project is right for you before you get in the car. It’s easy with Groundwork’s pre-qualification tools. Get 10 hours of your week back.

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Groundwork Pre-Qualification For Home Improvement Contractors

Lead Engagement

Differentiate Your Brand Starting at the First Touch

The typical submit-a-form-and-wait process for the Homeowner is outdated. We provide the a valuable first touch for your brand with an immediate branded response straight to their phone. Meaning Groundwork works for you whether you’re on a ladder or spending the weekend with your family.

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Groundwork Lead Engagement For Home Improvement Contractors

Virtual-to-personal connection

Add Your Personal Touch

Virtual sales may sound like an impersonal way to approach a very personal decision process. That’s why we built tools to ensure you can maintain a personal touch with your prospects all the way through the sales process.

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messaging platform

Say Hello to Simplified Customer Communication

Gone are the days of random customer text chains that are never on the phone you need. Equip your team with a tool to keep them organized and more efficient. Providing the highest level of customer experience has never been so easy.

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Groundwork Messaging Platform For Home Improvement Contractors

lead conversion

Convert Leads Fast

Contractors have a reputation crisis. Homeowners have become accustomed to bad communication, missed appointments, and old-school sales methods. Fortunately, Groundwork provides a fresh, new way to engage and convert leads that's "wowed" over 20,000 homeowners.

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Groundwork Lead Conversion For Home Improvement Contractors

marketing Tracking

Know Where Your Leads Come From

Gone are the days of wondering if your marketing spend is worthwhile. Our campaign tools track where you leads come from so you can determine the value of the marketing investment - down to the lead.

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Groundwork Marketing Tracking For Home Improvement Contractors

Build your account... for free.

Text leads back, reply with video, create multiple flows
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