Now Integrating

Groundwork + JobTread

Groundwork and CompanyCam

Make your workflows faster and easier than ever through integrations.


A Groundwork project video submission by a homeowner/lead can now trigger the creation of Customer in JobTread. The Groundwork lead information, including homeowner-submitted project videos and photos, will now be accessible within the Customer in JobTread.

Before You Start

  • You must have an active account with JobTread and Groundwork
  • You must be an admin in JobTread and Groundwork to integrate

Integration Instructions

1. Go to the Setup menu in your Groundwork account and click “Integrations” on the left-side menu. Click on the JobTread tile.

2. You will see a spot to enter your account-specific API “Grant” Key that will connect your Groundwork account to your JobTread account.

3. Click here to get your JobTread API “Grant” Key.

--> Click “+ Add Grant To All Organizations”
--> Name the API “Grant” Key
--> Click “Create”
-->Your API “Grant” Key will be generated. Copy it.

4. Paste your JobTread API “Grant” Key into the Groundwork “Grant Key” box and click “Save.” If successful, you will then see “Integration is Live —> Groundwork JobTread Account.”

5. Next, you need to map your Groundwork fields to the JobTread Custom fields. Mapping connects the Groundwork Fields you select with the corresponding JobTread Fields you select. You may need to add more custom fields in JobTread if you haven’t already - to do so, click here.

Map your fields by selecting a field from the Groundwork Field dropdown and the corresponding JobTread Field dropdown that you want connected together. You can create additional mappings by clicking “Create Another Mapping”.

Below is our suggested set-up for how to map your fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Groundwork create a duplicate lead?

Groundwork will not make duplicate leads if the same name was used previously.

If there are multiple media files in a Groundwork Lead submission, will all media files be transferred?

All files uploaded through a Flow or upload link will transfer. If the media is sent via SMS, it will not transfer.

How do I disconnect my JobTread integration?

In Groundwork, go to Setup --> Integrations --> JobTread. Click "Disconnect" and confirm you'd like to disconnect the integration.

What is the “Groundwork” tag I see on the media files inside of JobTread?

The Groundwork tag is automatically added to each file that’s uploaded from Groundwork into JobTread. This feature allows you to search for those files by tag and see the source of the file at a glance.

About JobTread

JobTread empowers contractors with a simple, yet powerful estimating and project management software to help you tackle projects with greater efficiency.

Who Groundwork is for

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Text leads back, reply with video, create multiple flows
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